The oldest just called from New York
said he missed me...miss you too I responded
said that he was doing something right in his life
and just wanted to let me know his good news
he's talking really slow, much slower than usual
I'm listening intensely to his silence...
then out of the blue, he asks
what's your-my definition of success?
Curious as to where that question was coming from
I took pause...told him that
having the courage to start again if need be
start again, show up, get up and put one foot in front of the other
in whichever area of life required it most in the moment
told him I was happy to hear that he was doing something right
and that he thought enough to want to call and tell me
long breath of silence...I'm like are you there? He said yes....
you smoking or something...said he doesn't smoke...anymore
oh ok good, I really meant are you high but I let it go...
he told me he's always considered me successful
even as a little boy he always thought I had it together
and was doing the thing...doing my life and he's proud of me
awww shucks, now that was unexpected...thoughtful even...
made me think even more about his question...success huh
pondered his observation of me from manhood
recalling how he always gave me the side-eye
when I told him he couldn't do something...
discipline was having it together
enforcing it was doing the thing
and continuing to pursue a dream was doing my he put it
you know I'm grateful that at least one somebody out there
can express that the basics, what feels like simple pieces
of our existence was enough to be considered successful
no extra applause-accolades-recognition
your definition man-child will be my definition tonight
baby steps complete now turn off the phone,
get some rest and wake-up tomorrow
ready to step into your man-size shoes & walk my dear...
walk right into your very own success
by Shonnese C.L. Coleman
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