Friday, April 15, 2016

Body Snatcher or Here Comes Lady Macbeth...Run!

No I was prepared, I was...I was prepared
then I got in the audition room and suddenly
without warning the character who I was not
auditioning for took over my body and voice
seriously, some other character who decided
she was needed in that moment started talking
and walking around and making up words that 
were not on the paper...
gesturing to imaginary people 
breaking the 4th wall and ignoring the reader
who was great by the way 
laughing where it wasn't funny 
dancing when there was no music 
crying for no apparent reason and then it was over
I got my body and voice back 
stared at the casting director for a few minutes 
who stared back at me...then simultaneously 
we said thank you and I left...I left feeling like I did that...humph
that's what happens when you haven't auditioned
in over a month and the 1st chance you get 
that role you played of Lady Macbeth back in 1996
seems to be the only thing that makes sense...
oh that don't happen to you...
oh so I'm the only one channeling Lady Macbeth at the exact wrong time...
oh ok...but I was prepared for that audition...I I was

by Shonnese C.L. Coleman

Monday, April 11, 2016

Delusions of Grandeur

Honorable, Honest, Virtuous & Upright
titles or identifying words associated
with you or who you want the world to see
you be...go on for pages and pages but sadly
don't describe the true you, authenticity compromised
too many surprised by the title-hog mentality
no integrity but tailgating not waiting on invitation
but declaring an alliance not desired or required
please...slow your roll...what's destined for you
already paid in full, packaged and awaiting your pick-up
every shiny stone on which you stumble does not belong to you
strive for your Honorable, Honest, Virtuous & Upright...self

by Shonnese C.L. Coleman